This is a visualization that will create an energy of healing, forgiveness and peace around yourself or any situation. I use three crystals to enhance the vibration – rose quartz (for unconditional love), amethyst (emotional balance and spiritual wisdom) and blue calcite (removes emotional blockages); however, it can also be done without them to great effect.
Spend a few moments in silence. Feel yourself being at ease in the Now. Breathe consciously and deeply and visualize your crown chakra opening to receive the love of the Universe.
- Hold the rose quartz and see pink light as it weaves a protective layer of energy around you saying, “I offer forgiveness to all those who have ever harmed me, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times, places, spaces and dimensions. Thank you for the role you have played in my souls growth.”
- Hold the amethyst and see purple light weave a protective layer of energy around you saying, “I humbly ask forgiveness from all those whom I have ever harmed, knowingly or unknowingly, in all times, spaces, places and dimensions. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your souls growth.”
- Hold the blue calcite and see blue light as it weaves a protective layer of energy around you knowing that emotional healing will occur on all levels, throughout every cell and situation, wherever it is needed.
Today my intention is to remember that this is the moment of transformation.