Gratitude and appreciation

Begin with gratitude.
That\’s Right! The more peaceful I am, the more I have to share with others
What a gift it is, this opportunity to choose how we wish to experience life! Your first thoughts upon awakening dictate how the energy of the day will be experienced. The more often you choose appreciation and gratitude, the more open you will be to receive the myriad gifts of the Divine. Love flows upon you from all dimensions.
The enlightened spirit takes full responsibility for their own state of consciousness. They seek to adjust their inner dialogue whenever necessary and take the time to periodically observe how they are responding to the present moment. The simple movement of awareness can change everything.
Choose to release every doubtful, negative or anxious thought from your mind and your life. Turn the mechanisms of the ego into mindful powerful thoughts and observe the miracles that unfold.

Today my intention is to handle all my experiences with wisdom, joy and ease.