
Awakening allows us to break free from mind-made prisons.
“Inscribe in your mind harmony, health, wholeness, beauty, peace, perfection and right action. These are principles. You do not create these truths, but you activate them and make them effective and functional when you affirm them.”    
~Joseph Murphy~

The path of transformation is a process by which we systematically break free from self-made bondage. As we awaken, we become more aware of what we perceive to be blockages. This awareness begins the process of ruthless observation, authenticity and conscious action (or inaction depending upon the situation).

Give yourself credit for how far you have come. The slow, subtle process of your spiritual evolution is always in play and as we awaken it’s important to remember that the ego becomes more subtle. It may demand your perfection. It may tell you that you should know better or that if you were really conscious, such mistakes or reactivity would not happen; however, nothing could be further from the truth. We often revisit old triggers and challenges for the express purpose of seeing that we now handle them far differently than we would have in the past.

Create freedom in your experience by treating yourself with compassion and loving-kindness. You are a child of light and nothing matters more than your state of consciousness in this moment. What is more important than your joy?

Posted in Wow Moment.