Patience is more than just being willing to wait. It is choosing to remain conscious and peaceful while waiting.
Often, the spiritual approach to life is the exact opposite of what we witness as physical beings. Our society tends to rush, to place great value on how quickly things are achieved… and then we rush on to the next thing. When we slow down and really pay attention, the entire construct of time begins to change. It slows down with us.
Make patience a focused aspect of your practice today. Observe when you feel you must \”kill time\” with your cell phone, talking or reading or playing a game while waiting and choose instead to be extra alert and aware. When someone is moving too slowly (figuratively or literally) for the pace you have set, consciously adjust to their pace. Become a receptive listener. When others speak, do not plan ahead what you will say when there is an opening. Listen with your whole being, pause, and then speak.
Because it goes against the grain of our human tendencies, cultivating the art of patience will not only provide valuable insight, but you will witness the varied miracles and synchronicities of life that are often missed in the rush.