In the end
these things matter most:
How well did you love?
How fully did you live?
How deeply did you let go?
~Jack Kornfield~
Enlightenment is experienced when we release all that blocks us from being fully present, and for many, that can be a long and arduous journey. Each of us must ultimately face our own shadows and discover that we can rise above the stories of the mind, habitual patterns and reactivity. All of life supports you throughout this process. Though it may seem distant at times, stillness is already within you.
As we learn to quiet the mind and reside in a peaceful state of being, we create space in which we can explore the realms of infinite possibility. This dance of awareness is yours alone. Be love in action. Let kindness be the inspiration that prompts your journey of awakening.
You can choose to create a life filled with sparks of joy, light, love and spiritual fulfillment. Conscious self-awareness and compassion are the greatest gifts that you can share with those you meet along the way. Explore your unique way of being in the world and trust that you are right where you need to be.