The world is your reflection.
“Strong emotional reactions always signal the need to look more deeply at your beliefs.”
~Ezra Bayda~
No matter what challenges you face, you hold the key to transformation. As we learn to embrace new ways of being and thinking, our experiences change. The higher your consciousness, the greater your perspective.
Remember this: when your ego tries to tell you that you’ve tried everything and nothing works, you haven’t. There is always something new to learn and freedom awaits. Persistence on the spiritual path will eventually lead you to discover the ease and grace that comes from living with an open heart.
So, if you’d like to love your work (or relationship or living condition), begin by changing the thoughts that create anxiety or displeasure. Choose to create joy in your own experience and love where you are. Two things will happen: you’ll have more peace and clarity in the present moment which may help you to see that your situation is actually more pleasant than you thought or you’ll have a positive attitude and better energy which can be focused on creating a new situation.
The only human error is to complain without positive action, thus creating a prison. When we discover the prisons of our own creation, the most empowering thing to learn is that we hold the key… and the door was never locked.
Today my intention is to act with integrity, do my best and accept what is.