Awareness brings a new type of energy to any situation.
\”I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.\”
~Louise Hay~
We cannot control other people or the events of life as they unfold. We can, however, control how we choose to respond to them. The quickest way to a healthy, conscious response is to be peaceful and balanced before challenges arise. Make inner stillness a priority. Slow down, breathe, observe. When the ego seems to demand that you react or opine, purposely move into mindful acceptance and compassion prior to choosing to speak or taking action.
In every moment you have a choice, accept or reject. Whether pleasant or not, what is, is. Rejection takes us out of the stillness of the present moment while acceptance takes us deeper into it.
\”Your difficulties are not obstacles on the spiritual path, they are the path.\”
~Ezra Bayda~
You are a source of love and light in the world. Be the change you wish to see, for nothing is more important than your state of consciousness.
Today my intention is to move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that all is well in my future.