Your passion, enthusiasm, joy and acceptance create beauty in the world.
That’s right! I experience love wherever I go. Loving people fill my life, and I find myself easily expressing love to others
You can demonstrate love simply by being true to who you are. Your perceptions, gifts and talents make the world a better place – even more so when they are consciously shared with others. Choose to fall madly in love with life. See the miracles that are all around you and be grateful for the opportunity to experience the magic of this moment.
You have the ability to transform the world around you. Those who grace your life are here to experience the unique vision and energy that you have to offer. Each time you embrace the Now and seek the sacred in each situation, you plant the seeds of awakening.
Let your life be a dance with the Divine.
Today, my intention is to be madly in love with life.
All of it.