Be in Love

“May I live this day
Compassionate of heart,
Clear in word,
Gracious in awareness,
Courageous in thought,
Generous in love.”
~John O’Donohue~

You have the ability to transform the world with your loving intention. Those who grace your life are here to experience the unique vision and energy that you have to offer. Each time you embrace the Now and seek the sacred in each situation, you plant seeds of awakening.

The journey is not about creating a static, uniform approach to each moment… there is no right way to live and yet people often try to do what they perceive they should instead of exploring their unique destiny.

This moment is filled with wonder. Meditate and find your bliss – love and life will unfold naturally. Being alone will be beautiful. Spending time with others will also be beautiful. Your interactions will simply come from a place of love. Healthy relationships have a great deal of space within them. It’s up to us to fill that space with gratitude, openness, kindness and support as we engage with one another without expectation or demands.

Life is a mystery to be lived. Spontaneity, being willing to step into the unknown and accept a little bit of healthy chaos into our experience allows us the freedom to fly. Open your heart to the moment and be the loving witness of all that you see.

Posted in Wow Moment.