Anger disrupts your ability to be at peace in the present moment.
\”What holds us back from living open-heartedly? What shuts life out? What cuts off our natural ability to truly love? As must as anything, the answer is this: our anger. Though out anger hurts both ourselves and others, we still cling to it. When our expectations or desires aren\’t met, anger insists, \’No, I won\’t accept this!\’ Yet even as we feel the pain that comes from rejecting things that can\’t be changed, we continue to indulge in anger\’s aversion with a stubbornness that defies all sense.\” ~Ezra Bayda~
Anger can be a transformational tool of enlightenment. It shows us where we have attached to an outcome and is the exact opposite of ego-driven happiness. Suppressing anger is unhealthy because it will often manifest later as physical illness, depression, passive/aggression or uncontrollable rage. Justifying anger is the ego\’s way of getting you to believe the thoughts about a situation, with the attachment to being right.
So when anger arises, feel it. Sit with it and be still. Know that by focusing your attention to the energy while becoming aware of the feelings and the thoughts which drive it, you can free yourself from its constricting embrace.
In every moment we have a choice – to accept what is or to reject what is. Enlightenment calls upon us to view each situation as if we had consciously created it for our souls growth, for indeed on a higher level, we have. Everything offers an opportunity to awaken.