Of all the aspects we discover on the Path of Transformation, one of the most powerful is surrender. The spiritual knowledge of surrender as power flies directly in the face of the logic of the ego which cries out for action.
The initial reaction to any obstacle is the desire to find a way around it or through it. Looking for solutions and finding none, it’s easy to become stressed and lose vital energy in frustration. Moving into acceptance does not mean throwing up your hands in despair or apathy or giving up the moment you are thwarted. Instead, surrender can be consciously utilized as a moment to put your spiritual knowledge into practice knowing that all things happen for you… not to you. This moment is one that you can use to accelerate your soul’s evolution.
The movement from frustration to empowerment is the path. Instead of experiencing ongoing ego-related reactivity or repeating old stories and patterns, we can choose to observe what arises and begin to look inward for the purpose behind the challenge.
A new way to move forward may present itself or assistance may arrive in forms that you had never imagined. See any challenges that arise as an opportunity to discover the power of surrender and allow the mysteries of the Universe to unfold all around you.