Observe the world around you and you’ll discover how powerful people are. They voice their deepest fears and then solidify them even further when that fear is drawn into their experience by saying, “See? I knew it!”… while never realizing that belief and expectation were the driving force behind the experience.
We are here to discover our ability to create. You have always been far more powerful than you realize. It’s amazing to discover how to consciously shift our thoughts, words, expectations and beliefs so that they align, and observe them as a creative force in motion.
Consider your words. Should you notice that you voice what you don’t want to have happen, immediately rephrase your statement. Consciously decide what you do want and then verbalize that with excitement and enthusiasm. The energy you emit plays a powerful role in this process.
Focus on creating a flow of empowerment, purpose and enlightenment in every situation. When speaking of challenges you face, state the intention that you will discover aspects of yourself that are ready to be known. Be excited to grow and learn. And most importantly, know that you are right where you need to be.