You Are Worthy

Occasionally, I observe someone listing all the reasons they cannot be at peace. The ego loves to create a story that happiness is impossible – perhaps because of a past challenge, disappointment, loss, imprints, world events or ongoing struggles. Some expend far more energy  reinforcing old blockages rather than creating a new experience or even expressing the belief that one is possible.

It’s empowering to remember that you are a child of light worthy of joy, fulfillment, laughter and peace. Don’t wait for life to fall into place before you choose to be happy. You have the power to choose how you will experience this moment.

Though there are likely times when existence feels oppressive, remember that far more is happening for your benefit than it may appear on the physical plane. You can consciously choose to recognize your worthiness or continue to reject it.

Dance in the moonlight and embrace the shadows as your teachers. Know your value by seeing the perfection in the imperfection and walk forward with an open heart. You are a divine infinite being on a journey of awakening. Your willingness to accept the gifts that life has to offer is an indicator of your self-love.

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