\”The path to love requires open-hearted attention to the very things that seem to block our way to it.\”
~ Ezra Bayda
When we consciously bring the light of awareness to the challenges of our lives, we begin to recognize the illusions from which they arise. Transformation occurs as we dissolve our self-imposed limitations and boundaries, strip away any preferences that have crystallized into demands and enter into the stillness of the Now.
The ego will tell you that you must work with the other in order for things to change. Talk, expectation, desire, compromise, blaming and justification simply tie you in deeper to the egoic mechanisms of the mind. As a spiritual seeker, it\’s important to realize that everything, everything, everything is your path of awakening. Don\’t bury the lesson underneath your fear, simply keep bringing the light of awareness to it. This is the slow transformative path to freedom.
Today my intention is to remember that when I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life.