Where Joy and Enlightenment Intersect


The Eastern Bluebird is a symbol of joy and hope that indicates positive change is coming. Yesterday as I sat in the car with the windows down, this lovely being perched upon my rear-view mirror for a moment. Obviously catching my attention, he stayed close for a bit, posing for the picture above. For me, these simple interactions cause time to stand still. In Presence, nothing is more important than a moment of joy and connection.


When we are willing to stop and pay attention, life is filled with encouragement, reminders, and messages from the Divine. The tools at hand allow us to easily research meanings and myths and ultimately translate the messages we receive based upon our unique journey and level of consciousness. Interpretations and insight vary from culture to culture as well as one’s personal experience and there is no “right” way to view the journey of awakening.


Learn from those who have walked before and weave your own tale. Joy and enlightenment combine to create a foundation for your evolution. The vastness of possibility always has room for expansion and wonder. Whatever excites your spirit is a call to open to the mysteries of life.