What You Seek

In a world filled with limitless possibility, whatever you seek is what you will discover. Each time we choose to find the gift in a situation, one makes itself known to us. Pay attention to your thoughts and words for they are your personal conversation with the Divine… When we approach the present moment with a resounding “Thank you!” filled with gratitude and joy, it becomes easy to see more clearly.

Choose to honor all things as sacred. This approach releases the tendency to judge or reject and opens your heart in miraculous ways.

You are a master in the process of awakening, a conscious co-creator of your own experience. As a soul seeking empowerment and enlightenment, realize that your choices dictate your reality.

Oneness brings a sense of stillness and connection into your experience. Watch how existence interacts with itself. A tapestry of exquisite design is being created. Everything flows together in a way that creates support and balance.
Darkness, limitation, fear and doubt are mind-made prisons of our own creation. Fortunately, the door is wide open. You can choose to step across the threshold into a world filled with freedom, joy and exploration. Let your light guide you…
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