Everything is interconnected. Because of this, even the smallest of things has the potential to show you the way back to the Divine. Looking with an open heart, see a rock, animal, tree or flower and honor its sacredness. Sense its perfection and allow it to be as it is without any commentary whatsoever. What arises is a childlike sense of awe and wonder that silently communicates your own beauty and divinity back to you.
When you discover the inner dimension of the Divine within yourself, your actions and relationships with reflect Oneness. This is how we move into the vibration of love.
Any conscious action, motivation or conversation carries the greater power of the high frequency vibration behind it. Remember, life will provide whatever experience is most appropriate for your soul’s growth. Be at peace with the present moment. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. This is how we live in harmony with life itself.
Today, consider setting an intention to be in total harmony with your environment: the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain and the earth. With your loving attitude you help create a world where it is safe to love one another.