Walking By Moonlight

“What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”

~Deng Ming-Dao~

There’s something beautiful about walking in moonlight. Its gossamer light creates shadows and mystery that transforms the night into a world filled with magic.

For those ready to explore the shadows, it’s a powerful practice to befriend the night. Its stillness provides a gentle wave of emotional healing. Just as the moon pulls the tides, it impacts the water within our bodies as well. For some, it is an intense, emotional time. For others, romantic and magical.

As we awaken, everything takes on greater meaning. Life reflects your state of consciousness; therefore, consider adding a little other-worldliness into your spiritual practice. Nurture the ebb and flow of energy in your experience in whatever way speaks to your soul with the knowledge that your attention and intention align you with the spiritual laws of life.

Be true to yourself. Honor your path as sacred and be conscious about where you place your attention. A simple rule of thumb is to focus on the solution rather than the problem. Therein lies your strength.

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