Visualizing Change

As you change, the world around you is transformed.

“We will all discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or other people’s models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our nature channel to open.”
~Shakti Gawain~

All transformation begins within and in order to create change in our lives, we must first be able to visualize the end result. No matter where you are, begin from there and act as if you have already manifested that which you desire. What you may have learned from others as part of your conditioning is not necessarily the truth of who you are. It’s time to find your innocence again.

All too often humans remain unaware of their divinity and potential… until someone comes to act as a mirror, reflecting limitless possibility. This is a gift that we can give one another – reflecting the light of consciousness through our actions and words, sharing love and acceptance and simply living our truth in effective ways. Beyond the ideas of right and wrong, each of us is a blank slate upon which the Divine can express itself. There is no need to remain afraid of change, for truly it is the conditioned thoughts of limitation (and nothing more) that block you from seeing possibility. It’s not so much a matter of change as it is a release of the things which limit your perception.


Posted in Wow Moment.