\”It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.\”
~Eckhart Tolle~
This moment is filled with limitless possibility. It offers a new beginning and a new way of being. We must become aware of and disconnect from the patterns, thoughts and behaviors that distract us from seeing clearly. Mind-made burdens often keep us from recognizing the sacredness that is within us and all around us.
As we learn to rise above the mechanisms of the ego, we bring a new vision to life. There is vast potential within you and all around you. Surrender to the present moment, seek to honor its perfection and discover the joy and empowerment that acceptance brings. Choose to recognize the sacredness in all that you see.
When we stand in the presence of the Divine, our humility and gratitude open portals to higher levels of existence. Seeing with the heart transforms everything in your experience. A sense of awe and wonder is the result of living an awakened life. Knowing this, it becomes possible to interact with one another consciously and our experience is transformed.