Transformation and Rebirth

“To live fearlessly is to actively practice peace and non-violence, even when it seems like we’re being threatened.”
~Alberto Villodo~

Our energy has a significant impact on those around us. When we embody peace in the face of challenging situations, our Presence influences others and thus, we eventually experience a collective shift to higher levels of consciousness.

The awakened spirit cultivates the capacity to see beyond the roles and mechanisms of the ego to the infinite soul within. There is no need to create an enemy or something to fight against. Instead, we recognize opportunities to teach, to awaken and to love.

Condor inspires us to rise above. With greater awareness, our vision expands and we can gain deeper understanding. Embodied with wisdom, one can walk the way of the visionary, bringing peace and non-violence into our shared experience that is often fraught with conflict. Consider your role in our collective awakening.

There is a cyclical nature to the human experience. Karmic lessons, whether personal, mutual or collective, teach through the polarity of opposites until we find the center of neutrality. Step into compassion, be true to yourself, rise to the occasion, and honor the journey of awakening as sacred.


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