
Today, I am willing to accept a miracle

My life reflects good, and only good is reflected back at me. I am the cool, calm expression of life.
~Louise Hay~

“The basic pain of feeling separate and disconnected is a fundamental human experience. Yet when we consciously reside in the physical feeling of separation, we come closer to recognizing its insubstantiality. Continually bringing the light of awareness to our viscerally held beliefs, our pretenses, our protections, our anxieties, begins to dissolve these self-imposed boundaries, the boundaries that block awareness of the vast reality of being. This is the slow, transformative path to freedom.”
~Ezra Bayda~

All boundaries and frustrations are self-imposed. Freedom from these limitations creates movement and expansion in our experience. As we release our blockages, we discover that life is filled with miracles and love rains down upon us from all dimensions.

Be willing to receive all the beauty that life has to offer. Take the time to slow down and appreciate the present moment, for it is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to open my consciousness to the expansion of life with the knowledge that there is plenty of space for me to grow and change.

Posted in Wow Moment.