Your words have power. They send energy outward and create the type of reality you experience. Observe your inner dialogue as well as the words that you choose to speak aloud. Are you supportive? Excited? Passionate? Optimistic? Kind?
Many have wonderful moments recognizing their infinite potential when focused upon gratitude or meditation, only to engage in self-sabotage later in the day with words of self deprecation. Your thoughts, words and beliefs are constantly setting the stage for what you experience; therefore, it’s important to purposefully consider what you send out in to the world so that you create movement and growth rather than reinforce any perceived negative aspects of the journey.
“Harm none” is more than approaching life in a mindful and magical way. It calls upon us to be aware not only of our actions, but also of the words we speak, where we allow our minds to dwell and ultimately, how we express ourselves in the world.