\”I\’ve come to trust not that events will always unfold exactly as I want, but that I will be fine either way. The challenges we face in life are always lessons that serve our soul\’s growth.\”
~Marianne Williamson~
Consider the uses of adversity. Challenges refine our skills and prompt us to cultivate our strengths. We discover that life doesn\’t end when things fall apart; rather, space is created to explore aspects of ourselves that are ready to shine. Even when the ego is caught up in desire and attachment, the soul understands exactly what is needed.
Trust in the unique processes of your awakening. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. When you view life as an opportunity to evolve and grow, everything becomes more manageable. Ultimately, you can walk the journey as a source of grace and peace and even humor knowing that there is far more to life than meets the eye.
Life will present the perfect circumstances to assist in your spiritual awakening. This is true for each of us – singularly or collectively. Seek the lesson or the gift in any circumstance, and most assuredly, you will find it.