“Enlightenment is nothing more than the complete absence of resistance to what is. End of story.”
As lessons unfold, your explorations will undoubtedly take you down new paths. Always seek the lesson, the beauty, the insight, for everything plays a role in the ongoing journey of your awakening.
As consciousness expands, the ego must learn to be more subtle. When you begin a process that is important to your development, distractions may arise. Resistance, whether internal or external, is a sign that you\’re in the process of authentic change. Turn inward and face it directly knowing that the light of your consciousness is transformative.
Spiritual practice requires an openhearted acceptance of whatever unfolds in your experience. Acceptance lays a groundwork of peacefulness and empowerment that permeates all that you do. Begin with the premise that everything works toward your highest good and plays a specific role in your soul’s awakening.
Life-changing ideas are rarely heralded by a blaze of trumpets… sometimes they reside in a thought that pivots your direction. How you approach the present moment is the key – is it merely a means to an end, or are you celebrating your existence and the journey of your soul? Be led by joy.