Your journey is unique. The beauty of knowing and accepting this allows you the freedom to walk your own path. No longer seeking outside validation, you can discover a personal connection to life that becomes more profound as your consciousness expands.
Part of the old soul experience is learning to be comfortable being different. Breaking free from identification with the ego prompts us to forgo following the crowd or trying to fit in. The most beautiful aspects of awakening are solitary moments in which we simply commune with the divine, find inner peace and marvel at the miracles that surround us. Sprinkle enough of these moments of connection throughout your day and your experience of the world will be transformed.
All that you seek is within you; therefore, it\’s important to trust the process of your awakening. As you find your truth, live it to the best of your ability. In every moment we have the opportunity to teach by example. Living authentically is often the road less traveled, but it is well worth the journey.