The Practice of Detachment

There is nothing wrong with having preferences nor with voicing them. They make life a little more fun and often spark joy that is both personal and playful. However, when preferences become demands, suffering is created in your experience. Observe how attached you are by measuring the degree of disappointment that arises when things don’t work out as you might have preferred. This can be a rich area of practice.

The practice of detachment begins with conscious acceptance. When we immerse ourselves deeply within the present moment we create space within our life situations. Gratitude is the doorway into objectivity. It raises our vibration to such a degree that we can breathe life into our experiences yet remain detached from limiting perception and reactivity.

Compassionate detachment does not stop us from offering love and kindness to those with whom we interact. It allows us to share our energy in a way that is fulfilling rather than depleting and empowered instead of guilt-ridden. Conscious action is pure.

Like those who plant trees they will never sit under, we sow seeds of loving-kindness even though we may not see the outcome. It’s enough to know that you are bringing the best version of yourself to the present moment. Detach, be here now and allow the future to take care of itself.

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