The Path of Love


Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness in the present moment. When you remove all distraction, what remains? Pure Presence. Every soul on the planet is in the process of awakening. Some are prompted to do this purposefully, while others live and play in the illusion in all its glory. Every approach is part of the collective awakening in which we are all engaged.


The mind will want to say that the way you have discovered is “right” while implanting the idea that others might be off track or un-evolved. The only thing we can know for certain is the path we are called to follow. We must hold one another in grace and love knowing that all aspects of the journey are necessary. Honor every path as sacred, even when they may be in direct opposition to your own inner truths.


The way through the morass of discovering inner wisdom is quieting the ego-mind and walking your pathway to Love. Build upon your discoveries by living authentically, gently, and consistently. Your actions have a great impact. You may be planting seeds that will continue to grow for lifetimes to come. Love one another, and in that love you will find your calling.