The Path of Awakening


The path of awakening is not about becoming who you are. Rather it is about unbecoming who you are not.
~Albert Schweitzer~

Enlightenment is a destructive process. It burns away the illusions that have been created by the mechanisms of the mind, familial or societal expectations or possibly brought forward from a recent past life. Limiting beliefs will present themselves in various forms until we recognize them. Fortunately, that recognition and awareness begins the process of transformation.

When the work is done well, we discover that our life experiences become simpler. As they are released, the layers of stress inducing expectation and angst no longer drain our energy and we can be fully engaged in the present moment. It\’s this engagement that we seek. Spirituality is a blend of the magical and the mundane that allows us to experience joy.

Ultimately, the path of awakening benefits all. As the spiritual seeker becomes more balanced, peace and empowerment are brought into their interactions. Thus, the collective consciousness is impacted in ways that extend far beyond ourselves. This is how we help one another throughout the journey. Your awakening sparks awakening in others. This is the gift that you have to offer.