The Meditative Mind


In stillness, we can listen to the wisdom of the Universe. We can watch the perfection of nature, and hear loving whispers in the wind. Is it any wonder that the ego fights so hard to keep the mind busy? Surely it knows the power of Presence and that we can break free from the trap of endless, habitual thought.


There are many paths to enlightenment; however, we learn the most by forging our own way, learning from mistakes, cultivating the tools of spiritual survival, discovering the courage born of right action. As old souls, we often see the world quite differently than our peers. With expanded vision and awareness, we can gently be living examples of consciousness in motion.


Mastery is the ability to master our response to life. We can reside within an ever-expanding field of perception and become a bridge between the mystic and the mundane. As we drop reactivity, judgment, and limiting thoughts, it becomes easier to move into authentic love that understands the call of the Divine.


Every journey is unique. Act with integrity, do your best, and allow life to unfold as it will. Let your life be your message.