Sometimes we purposely set change in motion. Sometimes change is thrust upon us. In either case, the soul has agreed to experience disruption. Rather than fighting against it, embrace it. The pathway to transformation begins with acceptance. Keep in mind that accepting something doesn’t necessarily imply that you have to like it; it demonstrates that you can see value or purpose in the challenge.
If, like most people, you’d prefer to avoid drastic moments that take you through a dark night of the soul, keep up with your spiritual work when times are good. When we address things while they are small and manageable, bring mindfulness to our daily interactions, and seek to cultivate compassion and empathy, heavy energies rarely build to a crescendo.
When life is calm, the impetus to look within subsides a bit. These moments allow small irritants or triggers to gradually build and mechanisms of the ego come into play. If unconsciousness remains, life will present a shake-up to bring everything to the surface. This wake-up call is a prompt to get back to basics. Consistently use the tools that speak to your soul to expand into new levels of being. Love seeks to support you.