A magical life is one that sparkles with light, love and laughter. Our choices set energy in motion and we have the ability to consciously direct it in myriad ways. The higher your vibration, the more expanded your perception; therefore, it stands to reason that as you evolve, it becomes easier to recognize the impact your state of consciousness has on the present moment.
When faced with a challenge or disappointment, observe any inner scripts that begin to run. If you notice a pattern or reaction that feels limiting, ask yourself if that problem is more important than your joy. Utilizing this koan will help you remember that you are a powerful co-creator in your life experience.
Gossamer threads of light weave webs of playfulness throughout the journey. As energy emanates from you, it travels along that grid of energy impacting every other being on the planet. See what you can create, how you can demonstrate love and what you can contribute. We are blessed by your Presence.