“The only journey is the one within.”
~Rainer Maria Rilke~
We are on a journey of awakening. Life, in all its various expressions, provides the opportunity to evolve through experience and introspection. Our interactions provide endless opportunities for us to delve deeper into the Self, the I Am within.
There is a very human-based tendency to get lost in the drama and miss the lessons. Some can remain mired in the intensity of the story for years or even lifetimes, and yet, awakening will ultimately happen. The journey inward takes us to an expansive place of awareness, and our task is to bring that awareness into the world of form.
Love connects us to one another. As awakening masters, our role is simply to remove anything that blocks the flow of love. Our judgments, and the fear out of which they arise, are distractions. The only thing that truly matters is the energy we share with one another. See if you can purposely leave every interaction with a lingering spark of your beautiful light.
Bless the moments that bring you greater insight. Honor each path as sacred. Do your best, act with integrity and accept what is. You are loved.