Spiritual truths are simple – Harm None, Know Thyself, Be Here Now. As consciousness expands, we naturally respect all life as sacred. From the tiniest insect to the grandest of trees, our choices should reflect honor of all living things.
Some traditions based their decision making upon the impact a choice may have upon the next seven generations. What a beautiful way to live! It calls upon one to think far beyond their immediate needs to consider the collective good.
When faced with those who vibrate at the lower levels of awareness such as shame, anger, fear, or pride, it helps to understand the impact of consciousness. More than words, your Presence is an expression of the love, light and laughter of the Universe. Your way of being in the world teaches far more than you may realize.
Spiritual awakening is the journey of a lifetime. Seek to become a sacred space of peacefulness, guidance, inspiration, and acceptance for all those in your sphere of influence and beyond. We continue to simplify, removing anything that blocks love from flowing and with obstructions removed, we become an expression of love, kindness, and compassion. By living authentically, you’ll discover that you cannot fail.