Like the sun, you shine ever more brightly as you become more spiritually aware. Whether you’re conscious of it or not, this energy has an impact on those around you. For this reason, it’s important to cultivate compassion with the understanding that others may not yet be ready to see their own shadows… shadows created by the light you cast.
Often we have to stand by and witness as people create additional challenges in their own experience. The ego’s reactivity creates excessive drama causing them to make choices that keep them stuck or they simply make things much harder than they need to be. These patterns come to the surface because they haven’t yet reached the necessary level of understanding or integrated the lesson they are working on.
Compassion comes from remembering how it felt to be asleep yourself. There was likely a time when you fumbled toward ecstasy, lost in the dark, frustrated and looking for answers… until something within you awoke. Shamans call this illumination. The process of awakening is different for everyone – a chance meeting, the perfect teacher comes at the right time, a burst of inspiration changes limiting perception and growth is possible. As loving beings, it is our job to offer support without judgment and be there to act as guides when someone is ready to ask for direction.