The Calling of Your Heart


”Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.”



Our grandest adventures often begin with an intuitive whisper. Something calls us to embark upon a new phase and often we begin without knowing exactly how everything will pull together. These first steps may be tentative; however, each step sparks new energy in motion. Coincidences, synchronicities, and creativity come together, allowing us to discover some new skill or passion as we experiment with various ideas.


We become more proficient with change when we hold no cherished outcome. Allow your vision to adjust as you learn more about yourself. This approach creates an ego-free mental environment where exploration can combine with inspiration. As a conscious creator, you will discover new ways to enjoy utilizing your talents. You bring something to the world that no one else can.


It matters not whether you find your gifts early or late in life. The joy is in the discovery. Follow the flow and heed the calling of your heart.