Surrender and Acceptance

“When we bring a gentle awareness to the layers of our conditioning, and to the struggles that arise out of our conditioning, the power of that conditioning slowly dissolves. Life then moves toward the unconditioned – where the vastness, or love, just flows through.”    

~Ezra Bayda~

The ego often seeks to fight, prove oneself right, defend beliefs or struggle against life. Whenever you observe this happening, consciously move into surrender. Allow the energy around you to flow unimpeded. You’ll access the strength and peace that reside underneath the mechanisms of the mind.

When we choose to surrender to what is, we demonstrate that we have faith in the processes of life. The awakened soul often discovers that things flow better when we get ourselves out of the way.

Trust the wisdom of your higher self. Place your focus upon how you are responding to life rather than trying to control how it unfolds. Are you operating from a space of joy, enthusiasm or acceptance? Choose to view your experiences as opportunities to awaken. The present moment is your point of power. When you really pay attention, you’ll discover that everything is your teacher, life supports your awakening, and you are enough.

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