The strongest of souls are forged in the fires of experience. When we face challenges, whether personal or collective, we often alternate between extremes. This strengthens both will and resilience in such a way that one emerges transformed. Intense changes call upon us to draw deeply from inner strength – sometimes in surprising ways.
We are all connected. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. Energy is constantly in a state of movement and seeks to break us free from outmoded habits and patterns. As we emerge into the light of a new day, we discover inspired ways forward and can tap into the ability to create something different.
From higher levels of consciousness strength is often expressed through kindness. Those who have expanded perception can recognize more possibilities within a given situation, and it is from there that we can offer assistance and encouragement while reflecting the Presence of those with whom you interact.
This is the path of awakening. When challenges arise, see how quickly you can move into acceptance. Then take stock. What is your inner state of consciousness? What remains as a foundation? What tools are at your disposal? Right action leads the way forward.