Stillness and Sanctuary

“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.”

~Morgan Freeman~

There is a quiet sense of being that holds the deepest truth of who you are. It resides underneath the mechanisms of the ego – the calmness beneath the turbulence – accessible at any moment.

The inner strength that comes from quieting the mind is unfathomable. All anger, stress, anxiety or discomfort can be traced back to a thought that has taken up residence; therefore, observing thought is a powerful tool of transformation.

Many speak of waking from the dream or seeing through the illusion as part of the process of awakening. To forget ones-Self is to become lost in the dream. Whether one wakes from the dream gently, rising to the surface of consciousness, or abruptly due the shock of an intense challenge or unexpected life transition, waking still ultimately occurs.

Rather than avoiding the obstacle in the path, address it head on and you will discover a great deal about the strength, wisdom, peacefulness and love of your soul in the process. The vastness of the universe resides within you. Without distraction, what might you discover?

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