Soul Support Circle

In every lifetime we arrange a circle of support that has agreed to play specific roles in order to assist us in our soul development. The twelve roles are: Love, Compassion, Knowledge, Mentor, Beauty, Child, Humor, Anchor, Discipline, Healer, Enlightenment, Muse.

If you notice that something has knocked you off balance, sit with it and see if you can determine what area of your life needs energy. Then seek out that person. The interaction will help you to realign with your inner wisdom.

For instance, you might feel a heaviness that indicates you are holding sadness in the body. Perhaps you feel a little depressed or overwhelmed. You would purposely seek out your humor person. That person, simply by being who they are, makes you laugh. Their worldview or delivery brings a lightness back into your energetic field.

The Child position may be filled by your actual child, an unrelated person, or a deep heart-connection with a pet. The Child position is balancing because we are all better when we have someone for whom to care and nurture.

Some positions may be filled for many by a well-known spiritual teacher or even a non-physical muse such as Quan Yin who inspires your journey.

More information about this powerful support can be found in the Michael Teachings. Consider bringing conscious awareness to your circle of twelve. They have entered into soul agreements in order to help you be the best version of yourself.

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