Soul Ages


When we chose this planet as our playground of awakening, we all began the human experience as infant souls. The foundational lessons of survival had to be mastered before we could move on to the next phase. Through several lifetimes, experiencing both success and failure, we learned the art of being human.


The baby soul phase is characterized by the need to follow. Since these souls have not yet had enough experience to forge their own way, they turn to very rigid rules, patterns, and belief systems. They seek those who will tell them what to think, who to hate, and how to be.


Young souls are here to explore power. They seek outside validation through money, status, controlling others, and are extremely self-focused. This is typically the level where heavier karmic imbalances are created.


After learning the lessons of power, mature souls move toward understanding the importance of family and community. These lifetimes are quite busy as we begin to balance karmic situations.


Finally, at the old soul level, we begin to prepare for what comes next. Embodying the lessons of the previous cycles, we continue the process of karmic balancing, seeking wisdom, and teaching those who follow behind.


The various soul ages see life quite differently and that is a vital part of the curriculum. Be true to yourself, live authentically, and choose to observe with compassion rather than judgment.