My dogs are great teachers. Always willing to play and experts at living joyfully in the present moment, they remind me to keep things simple. But they are also wonderful energetic barometers. Domestic animals are our guardians of spirit and like everything else in the world, they reflect the energy around them.
As we are immersed in the process of moving, the energy in the house is disrupted. Boxes are piled in every room and a phase of cleansing has begun. Their behavior has shifted a bit as well – not negative or misbehaved, just different… and so I pay attention because it’s a reminder for me to continue to take the time to re-balance myself and purposely carry the intention of smooth sailing through the process. On the other end of the spectrum is construction and the re-imagining of new ideas coming to light… and betwixt the two, I carry the knowledge that everything will fall together it it’s own perfect way.
I can choose to feel safe throughout the ever-changing flow of my life. I can choose to honor each and every aspect of the process as a sacred journey. I can choose to see the potential of new beginnings… and since thoughts are things I joyfully send my intentions out into the Universe.