“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
The mind will often tell us that life must fall into place before we can relax and enjoy it; however, the opposite is true. When we relax and enjoy, life falls into place. Rather than chasing a thousand solutions or achieving something of value to leave behind, we discover that the true point of power is in the present moment. Bringing conscious peace into the Now is transformative.
When you are mindful, any choices or actions taken have incredible vitality. It sounds simple because it is. Life is what it is. We can choose how to respond to whatever unfolds in our experience and utilize it as a gateway to higher consciousness. The old saying to be in the world but not of it points to this. We create our own reality, and in doing so, walk gently upon the earth.
Consider being consciously playful and accepting today. Approach each moment without expectation and immerse yourself within it. Operate from love. Observe the antics of the mind. You may discover that everything gets accomplished with greater ease and grace.