Some people grace your life for a moment, others for a lifetime… and everything possible in between.
Accept whatever unfolds in your experience. People enter our lives to offer new insights, ideas, feelings and lessons, staying as long as our soul requires. For those with whom we share karmic contracts, interactions may be filled with the emotional highs and lows of human connection; however, they always offer opportunities to expand our consciousness and grow in ways that we’ve never imagined. When emotions become more neutral it is an indication that the contract is complete. Bless those who have graced your life. See them as the loving teachers that they are and send them on their way with encouragement and gratitude. The time spent apart is infinitesimal compared to the bond of eternity, wholeness and Oneness that we share.
When you choose to live in acceptance rather than spend your vital and precious energy clinging to the past, you are free to live life empowered, joyful and fully anchored in the Now. At the deepest level, all things are one. There is no separation and our purpose is simply to awaken to this knowledge while helping one another along the way.