Satori is the awakening from a dream. The first stage of awakening is typically a breakthrough that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Suddenly, the ego is quiet allowing us to experience the gap of \”no-mind\” and get a glimpse of the Oneness that connects us. For many, this prompts a journey of discovery.
Throughout the process of awakening we experiment with different ideas and processes, often seeking to understand how to recreate that moment of Oneness; however, it is not something to be achieved. It is something that is already carried within. See your personal satori as a spark of energy that awakened and inspired instead of something to seek. From there, you will find your unique way of walking in the world.
Ultimately, there is only love. Beneath the cacophony of the ego is the essence of your true nature. As you merge with the Divine, love will become your natural way of being. With practice, you can enter this state whenever you like. This is enlightenment, and it awaits us all.