Simple things matter. Small acts of kindness can change situations in powerful ways. When we choose to live gently, we discover that our sojourn is filled with majestic spaces. Instead of rushing from one thing to another, one person to another, solving problems or acquiring more, we have the capacity to hear the whispers of wisdom.
Consciously create quiet space in your experience. The world is a sanctuary that is overlooked all too often because of our focus on the mundane. Today, seek to bring gentleness to your life situation, whatever it is, and treat yourself well.
In the stillness we can slow down and experience the fullness of life itself. You can step into the inner sanctum of the Divine, drink deeply of peace and bring that sacred energy into the present moment. All life has a rhythm, an energy that is constantly sparking creativity and rebirth. We are part of this beautiful rhythm.
Moments of inner silence play a valuable role in your spiritual awakening. Let your life be a communion with all that you see. The sacredness you experience is a reflection of your own energy.