When we walk through our life situations with the core belief that things will work out just as they should, we have greater access to self-confidence, independence, strength and courage. It’s only when we fall prey to the voice of the ego that we begin to doubt ourselves… What if I fail? What if I get hurt? What if I disappoint?
It’s important to recognize the mechanisms of the mind, and at the same time understand that its purpose is to provide illusions for us to work through on the Path of Transformation. The ego is not the enemy (that’s just another story made up by the ego in order to make itself important), it’s simply one of the aspects of the human experience.
As you increase in wisdom and self-worth and taste the freedom and expansiveness that is discovered, you’ll learn to view the ego as a teacher – nothing more, nothing less. At that point, you\’ll begin to rise above illusion and walk forward in courage and truth.