“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”
The ego can be viewed as a teacher rather than an enemy. Its function is to play the part of adversary and with practice, we can learn to recognize it\’s mechanisms. Ego is in play when thought-forms crystallize into beliefs through repetition, creating attachment, desire or pain.
Give your ego a name that will make you laugh. When you notice a story beginning to replay in the mind, immediately observe it\’s antics and shine the light of consciousness upon through recognition and calling it out. You\’ll notice that the diatribe will stop and you\’ll have an opportunity to shift your thoughts in a way that is more helpful for you in the present moment.
The more you do this, the easier it becomes. Your loving attention ignites a process of transformation that will impact every area of your experience. One of the most beautiful aspects of higher awareness is the ability to consciously participate in life in a way that is empowering and joyful. You are a master in the process of awakening. Come, the journey of discovery awaits.