
When we chose Earth as a playground, we selected a role to explore throughout our many lifetimes. This is considered a cycle of experience. Knowing and understanding your role is helpful because it opens a pathway of energy that allows you to fully embrace your true nature. The seven roles (as interpreted using The Michael Teachings) are: Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Priest, Sage and King.

When you embark upon the quest of self-discovery, you’ll likely notice that many different modalities point you to a similar type of analysis. Astrology, Numerology, The Michael Teachings, and Human Design (as well as systems from times and cultures too countless to mention) all provide insightful pieces of knowledge that align with one another. As you discover information that resonates with that of your inner wisdom, your purpose will become clear.

For some, this means that finding their unique voice might compel them to reject cultural or familial expectations. But once you truly know yourself and embrace your purpose, something powerful falls into place. You can be authentic and consistent as you share your gifts, balance karma and move to higher levels of consciousness.

No matter what unfolds in our collective experience, the roles will blend perfectly, each of us integrating and contributing to the awakening of all.

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