There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in this moment.
When we attach our happiness to a specific end result, we give away our power. The ego loves to delay joy by planting the idea that “when so-and-so is mine, I’ll stop feeling so alone” or “when I have this job or this much saved in the bank, I’ll finally be able to feel safe.” All of these ideas treat the present moment merely as something to get through in order to experience some better moment in the future.
You are responsible for your own joy. Feel it Now. No matter what you desire to accomplish, joy in this moment is the key to manifesting the life of your dreams. Plans fall apart from time to time, people may do the opposite of what you wish they would do, you may miss the mark… the only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond.
Treat this moment as sacred. Whatever you choose to do, do it with complete mindfulness and bring a sense of playfulness into your experience. Your willingness to take conscious action is far more powerful than allowing your actions to be led by anger or fear.